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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Panosh Combat Commandos

Panosh Combat Commandos

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The 1980's were a prime era for military action figures. Although G.I. Joes were the most popular, there were also some awesome obscure lines that I remember from my childhood. Mattel GUTS which I featured before  was one of them

Another awesome assortment of military mini figures is the COMBAT COMMANDOS line by panosh place. When I was younger I obviously didn't know who made them, but my brothers and I had quite a few of them, but they are mostly all lost. I did, however, keep two of them, but I did not know where they were stored. As the years went by, I thought about them from time to time, and always wondered who made them and how I could get some more. For a time I thought that they were Soma military figures and even bought some on eBay. After receiving the Soma figures however, I realized they weren't the figures I was looking for, because they didn't swivel at the waist, and they were flexible rubber. The figures I was thinking of were harder plastic.

  Soma Rubber Military Figures
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Last Easter while at my parents house I was searching through my boxes and came across the two that I had saved from a possible tragic demise of adolescent destruction. I quickly learned that Panosh place made them and they had a date stamp of 1987.

Childhood Combat Commandos
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Once I had a manufacturer name and date. I searched on google and there was actually hardly any information on these little guys. I also  searched eBay for some more, but for several months I couldn't find any auctions worth buying. (some were quite expensive for very few figures.) Then last summer I hit a jackpot, because there was a seller on eBay with 2 seperate auctions. He had one auction with new carded 2 packs and another with an open 2 pack with the backer card. I had the highest bid on both and scored. The packaging is awesome, and now I have plenty for my collection. These have hardly shown up on eBay since then, and I doubt they will pop up often.
Combat Commandos on the card

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Released from their plastic prison
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All of them together

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Overall these figures are fantastic pieces of nostalgia, but kids these days would mostly be bored by them because they don't "do anything".


  1. Real fun post! Glad to see some more infos about those - I'm a big fan of Mattel's GUTS!, which are really close to those military guys, and searched for a long while before getting any tidbits about them.

    I got myself a few, the first at the odd end of GUTS! figure lot, but quickly gre fond of those chubby army guys ;)

  2. Interesting that their weapons appear to be based on Hasbro 3 3/4" GI JOE ones
